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Newsletter - April 2023

Newsletter - April 2023
The official portal for European Data

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Webinar 'Data spaces: Introducing the concept and relevance in today's world'

What are data spaces and what do they look like? Join the first installment of our webinar series on data spaces, taking place on Friday 12 May from 10.00 to 11.00 CET! 

Date 12/05/2023
Registration Register here
Learn how countries are advancing in open data quality

Discover more about how countries are progressing in terms of open data quality. Read the story on exploring countries' perspectives on open data quality and watch the recording of data.europa academy's webinar 'Open Data Maturity 2022: Diving deeper into the quality dimension'.

Transforming healthcare with open data

On the occasion of World Health Day, dig into an engaging data story on the value of health data and its role in Europe and take a closer look at's articles on open data health initiatives and the European Cancer Imaging Initiative.

Discover how open data connects us to our history

Projects like the 'Archives of the planet' enable us to zoom into a city using open datasets and observe what it looked like a hundred years ago.

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Call for papers: data and technology to enhance peace

The Data & Policy Journal of Cambridge University is looking for contributions until 2 October for a special collection of papers on the topic of: 'Data for Peace: how novel data sources and technology can enhance peace?'.

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ISSN: 2811-776X OA-BQ-23-002-EN-Q