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Discover the data.europa academy: Eleventh course, ‘Inspiring through data visualisation’

Learn how to inspire your audience with creative data visualisations

There are many ways to create meaningful visuals. The eleventh and last course of the restructured data.europa academy called ‘Inspiring through data visualisation’ will help you rethink how you can inspire others through data visualisation and motivate yourself to explore different ways of creating visuals.

The first lesson ‘Playful machine learning’ showcases several examples of how to use algorithms and machine learning to create data visualisations. For example, they can pay tribute to cultural masterpieces as explained in the second lesson ‘Experience Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Atlanticus’. You will learn how and why users have an influence on the design and graphics in the lesson ‘Applications to publish graphics in newsrooms’.

Data visualisations can create impact in different areas. For example, COVID-19 data can be used to improve our quality of life as you will learn in the fourth lesson ‘Visualising open COVID-19 data’. The lesson ‘Financial open data from EU institutions’ will dive into open financial data and how they support the creation or update of products and services. Furthermore, open environmental data can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals or the EU Green Deal. This will be showcased in the lesson ‘Environmental open data from EU institutions’. Different types of data can also foster innovation and support the economy, of which examples will be shown in the lesson ‘Open data to foster the European economy’.

Do you want to get a step beyond data visualisation and connect with your audience? In the last lesson, ‘Visual narratives to connect’, the relationship between design and the target audience will be explained. You will see how you can elaborate on the design phase to connect with people and why experimentation is important during this creative process.

Do you want to go beyond standard data visualisations and learn how to inspire your audience? Join the eleventh data.europa academy course and become an expert in creating meaningful visuals.

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