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Discover the data.europa academy: Eighth course, ‘Understanding data governance with open data’

Learn how governmental and legal considerations underpin and influence open data

A sustainable data cycle needs a set of principles and practices, as well as effective data governance. The eighth course of the restructured data.europa academy called ‘Understanding data governance with open data’, dives deeper into how governmental and legal considerations underpin and influence open data. In addition, the course highlights the role of in different data spaces and delves into the added value of data governance in the public and private sectors.

Data governance sets internal standards to improve how data is gathered, stored, processed, and disposed of. Furthermore, through data policies, it is governed who can access what kind of data. The first lesson, ‘The role of in EU data spaces’ provides you with information on the role of in the creation and sustainability of data spaces in Europe. You will further grasp how the contents and capabilities are able to help tackle the growing demands in data spaces.

The second lesson, ‘Understanding public data demand in the public sector’, looks at the value of open data in the public sector and how this can be created. It highlights how public administrations measure the demand of data reuse and emphasises different examples around public data resource value creation. Finally, the third lesson, ‘Data Governance Act implementation’, focuses specifically on a prime example of a data policy. It focuses on the requirements within the Data Governance Act for national single information points and the European single access point. It informs countries how to approach data harvesting, by providing technical requirements and information on how to use supported and preferred interfaces.

Are you curious to know more about governance surrounding open data? Join the data.europa academy course ‘Understanding data governance with open data’ and discover the full potential of data governance.

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