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Know Your Hoods is a website designed for people who are moving or interested in knowing more about their area. The search engine helps citizens find an area tailored to their specific needs, and helps current residents getting to know places and services that they might be not be aware of yet.
The Open Energy project is a platform where 24 public institutions publish their electricity consumption (in kWh) on a monthly basis to make these data more transparent and enable users to monitor patterns. This facilitates the exchange of best practices, encourages energy efficiency investments, and supports responsible electricity consumption across society.
Offener Haushalt is a website that aims to make government spending more transparent by showing how much the state spends on which posts through graphical visualisations. The website incorporates budgetary data at the federal, state, and municipal level. As there is no specified format for these data, they often disappear behind government doors. This website opens up this information in open file formats.
Guadaltel offers technological solutions for public administrations across several domains. Some of the key products and services Guadaltel offers are solutions such as: e-government, electronic procurement, smart city, and software-as-a-service applications. At its core, Guadaltel is a consulting company specialised in software development.
Failte Maps is a product of the Irish National Tourism Development Authority and enables users to view sites relevant to tourist on a map of the area. Those sites include famous historical landmarks, tourist attractions and activities, currently available accommodation, and transportation related sites such as car rentals and taxi services
The Ocean Energy Portal aims to contribute to green economy goals by offering information on the sustainable development of offshore renewable energy resources. The website encourages the increase of indigenous production of renewables so that the supply of energy can be secured for future generations. The available information touches on one of six domains, being: marine data, maps, tools, funding, energy site assessment, management and development.
Informa D&B helps companies and businesses minimise the time spent looking to expand their business whilst keeping their risk at a minimum. In doing so, the company provides commercial, financial, marketing and industry-specific information for clients and their suppliers.
Tutiempo is a website that hosts several secondary websites, all providing weather and climate information both in Spain and globally. Tutiempo offers worldwide data such as 15-day forecasts and weather alerts, both historical and real-time data on solar eclipses and earthquakes, images from weather radars, air quality (Spain-only) and sea temperatures.
The LACMA application is designed for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and enables users to locate artworks, plan their trip and help visitors navigate around the museum’s campus.
The Climate Corporation offers operating and financial software and services that boost the profitability of farmer’s yields. The corporation functions as a digital farming platform that combines local weather monitoring with agronomic models and weather simulations.