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HELCOM: Find Geodata of the Baltic Marine on

HELCOM Metadata catalogue contains descriptions of datasets collected by the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission

The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, also known as the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM), is a regional platform focused on environmental policy-making, aimed at protecting the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all forms of pollution. To achieve this, it facilitates open access to environmental information and makes spatial data available on the HELCOM Map and Data Services.

The Data and Map service is a Baltic Sea-oriented online mapping tool combining spatial data from different thematic map portals. The map service contains datasets from sources other than HELCOM as well. The available map data is accessible from all thematic map services for overlaying purposes. Each dataset is accompanied by a metadata file which describes the dataset.

HELCOM’s data is used in a wide range of sectors such as fisheries, shipping, nature protection and scientific research. For example, biodiversity-related datasets such as species distribution and protected areas, help in nature conservation while datasets related to pressures, such as pollution and sources, on the Baltic Sea help streamline human activities and datasets.

Since 2022, geodata of the Baltic marine from the HELCOM metadata catalogue can be accessed from Both HELCOM and aim to make data available free and open to a wider community, including the European open data ecosystem, researchers, NGOs and the private sector. 

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