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Discover the insights of our second workshop for students and academic on ‘How to use open data for research'

Exploring the potential of the open data in our portal in an interactive way

On 24 May, data.europa.Academy hosted the second workshop for students and academics on ‘How to use open data for your research’. With 150 participants, the workshop was successful in reaching a diverse audience, showcasing the value of open data in the field of research for academia. 

The event kicked off with an engaging introduction from the team, shedding light on what open data is and providing an overview of our portal. Delving into its features, the team highlighted the variety of information available, and the value it brings to users. The workshop then transitioned into a technical demonstration, showcasing how participants can efficiently navigate the portal to find specific datasets tailored to their needs.

In the second part of the workshop, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid took the stage as the key speaker. The session delved into essential topics such as the FAIR principle, followed by a compelling success story on Open Data within the realm of light pollution. Finally, emphasis was placed on the significance of open-source software as a vital counterpart to open data initiatives.

After this interesting presentation, participants were engaged in a short and hands-on case study, offering them the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge. As the session concluded, attendees had the chance to share their insights and pose questions to the experts. For those eager to dive deeper into the session's content, the recording of the workshop is available here, and stay tuned for the next interactive event!

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