- Content:
- 10 lessons
- Format:
- Reading, Videos
- Theme:
- CommunicationImpactQuality
- Level:
- Beginner
- Audience:
- Academia, Civil servants, Data providers, Journalists, Non-governmental organisations, Private sector
Do you want to learn how to design state-of-the art data visualisations? This course is for you! Our webinars and reading materials showcase how you can use data to create inspiring and practical visualisations, and how it can be used to tell a story and take your audience on a journey.
In this digital era, data visualisation is a critical asset and essential tool that allows people to grasp information in a second. This was also true during the first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic where open governmental data became crucial to sustaining and improving people’s quality of life. In this webinar, Barnaby Skinner highlight s a spectrum of impactful to less efficient examples of data repositories during the COVID-19 pandemic and shares a set of guidelines consisting of nine recommendations for data sharing policies by governmental bodies. Furthermore, watch the session on 'The
- Theme:
- CommunicationImpact
Can data truly be made available for everyone? In this webinar, Davide Vernassa explains how Knowage, a comprehensive open-source analytics and business intelligence platform, takes on this challenge and aims to make data accessible to visually impaired people.
- Theme:
- Impact
Everyone produces data every day. This data represents aspects such as our daily life, our journeys, and our possessions. So, how can we exploit this? In this webinar, Caroline Goulard explains how to work with “hidden data” to visualise intangible phenomena and provides recommendations on how to collectively use it to improve our data ecosystems and create new services or improve existing ones.
- Theme:
- CommunicationImpact
Data visualisation is as susceptible to misinterpretation and manipulation as any other communication method. How do you spot misleading visuals, prevent biases when selecting the context and visualisation, and ensure that data and visual literacy to prevent misinformation? In this webinar, Xaquin G.V. tackles these questions, highlights good practices for visualisation and presents relevant and recent examples of visuals on the topic of COVID-19 in the media.
- Theme:
- Impact
Evidence does not speak for itself – it must be communicated. But h ow can we use visualisation to create instant clarity from complex messages or data? Citizens, policymakers, and scientists all speak a different language how can we translate messages through powerful visualisations, and innovative communication? In this webinar, Darren McGarry address es these challenges and present s pragmatic solutions based on the knowledge and experience from Joint Research Centre experts, combined with lessons learned through collaboration with visualisation and storytelling experts from various domains
- Theme:
- Impact
Do you want to learn how to make data visualisations more impactful? In this webinar, Jovan Lekovic demonstrates how designing with aesthetics in mind is a step to improved data visualisations. Lekovic shares what we can learn from research in design aesthetics, and how that can help you create better-looking charts, visualisations, and reports.
- Theme:
- CommunicationImpact
Do you want to learn about exceptional data visualisations and when to use them? In this lesson, you’ll discover reading materials that dive into how you can boost your data analysis and visualisation, go beyond basic bar graphs and pie charts, and learn how to use the JavaScript library D3.js. You’ll also find a webinar with Maarten Lambrechts that highlights how some non-standard charts and figures can help to communicate specific data.
- Theme:
- Quality
Do you want to improve your storytelling techniques with data ? In this lesson, you’ll discover reading materials that illustrate how information can be used in data visualisation. Through the webinar with Maarten Lambrechts, you’ll also learn journalistic techniques in data visualisation that allow for effective storytelling .
- Theme:
- Impact
Already know the basics of data visualisation and want to improve? In this lesson, you’ll discover reading materials that illustrate how to assure data quality for visualisation, how to apply best practices on use cases, and how to do this without coding. Through the webinar with Maarten Lambrechts, you’ll also be shown practical guidelines for effective data visualisation, given concrete tools and learn to avoid common pitfalls.
- Theme:
- Communication
Nowadays, data has become a central component of government publications. But how can this data be presented in a way that allows others to easily access, reuse and reference it? Formatted as an extendable checklist, this guide compiles tips, examples, resources and visual aids into a handy toolbox which will help you with all of the data-related aspects of your publication: writing about data, creating data visualisations, and preparing and publishing data. Who is the guide for? Anyone involved in the process of producing and publishing data and public sector information: researchers
- Theme:
- CommunicationImpact