Ιστολόγια από: Ουγγαρία
Προς το παρόν δεν υπάρχουν άρθρα στο ιστολόγιο
Use cases in: Ουγγαρία
K-monitor is an NGO that fights corruption and promotes transparency in Hungary. The company challenges social indifference to corruption in the country. The company creates tools and databases to make public expenses trackable and decision makers accountable.
K-monitor is an NGO that fights corruption and promotes transparency in Hungary. The company challenges social indifference to corruption in the country. The company creates tools and databases to make public expenses trackable and decision makers accountable.
Otthontérképis a map-based database of real estate for sale or to rent.
Εκθέσεις σε: Ουγγαρία

Εκδηλώσεις ανοικτών δεδομένων σε: Ουγγαρία

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Open Data News in: Ουγγαρία