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Discussions on data controllership and mobility data spaces: Learn more from our July sessions

Discover insights on shaping the European open data field

This month, two sessions were hosted by data.europa Academy, where no less than 575 people participated and learned more about the landscape of data privacy and governance, and data sharing.  

Starting with the first session on 12 July, a panel discussion was hosted by the data.europa team on ‘Data controllership and anonymisation’. To get an understanding of the link between non-personal and personal data, a guest speaker from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel provided insights on the General Data Protection Regulation and how personal data is defined. This was followed by a discussion on a recent law case about the notion of personal data in the automotive industry. The second guest speaker from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven explored the data controllership and joint controllership topic. Here, participants learned about the assessment criteria for controllership. The session concluded with an engaging Q&A session moderated by a partner from Timelex. Both the recording and the slides can be accessed for more details. 

Secondly, a webinar was hosted on 19 July about ‘Data spaces: experience from the common European mobility data space’. With a focus on the railway sector, the guest speakers provided an in-depth exploration of the common European mobility data space. After a short introduction on data spaces by our host, a policy officer from DG MOVE and a project officer from the European Railway Agency (ERA) zoomed in on the importance of data sharing and standardised data in the mobility sector. A practical example was provided by guest speakers from the deployEMDS project, who implemented a smart data space in the Flanders region. Ending with a Q&A session for the audience, the session inspired participants in enhancing the European mobility landscape. Check the recording and the slides of the second July webinar if you want to know more. 

As July is almost concluded, we begin our summer period and will return with new webinars in September. Stay tuned for the upcoming webinars and check out our data.europa Academy in the meantime!  

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