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Open Up Guide for Climate Action

Open Data Charter pilots guide for climate action with open data

To track climate trends and design effective climate policy, the availability and use of data are essential. When it comes to climate data, everyone can play a role. Public and private organisations, civil society initiatives and citizens can all be producers, users and intermediaries of the data.

To understand how open data adds value to the climate agenda in Latin America, the Open Data Charter and the World Resources Initiative developed the Open Up Guide for Climate Action.

This guide shows which (open) data is relevant for climate action, based on input from the climate change and open data communities. It also presents a prescriptive list of priority data that should be opened by government bodies.

Having this document in place helps to create a baseline approach for how to achieve climate goals with good data governance. The priority list will also encourage public bodies to make more high-quality data available.

Lessons learned in creating the guide are also including to improve next versions. In the current edition, oceanographic data was added for instance, which are critical data for climate action, especially for countries with large coastlines.

Have a look at the Open Up Guide for Climate Action and learn how open data adds value to the climate agenda in Latin America.

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