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  • Uddannelse, kultur og sport
The van Gogh Museum has opened its museum to online visitors from all age groups through its website and application ‘Unravel van Gogh’.
  • Uddannelse, kultur og sport
The Online catalogue of the Vatican Museums presents essential information regarding the mobile works of art (that is, excluding the spaces, buildings or their decorations) on display along the tour itinerary.
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) has been supporting the European Commission in multidisciplinary areas to understand the COVID-19 emergency, anticipate its impacts, and support contingency planning. This activity forms part of a broader effort by JRC to contribute through crisis coordination mechanisms with the detection, monitoring and analysis of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Sitet, der er frit tilgængeligt, European Media Monitor (EMM) er et fuld automatisk system, der analyserer både traditionelle og sociale medier. Det samler ca. 300,000 nyhedsartikler om dagen fra nyhedsportaler på verdensplan på op til 70 sprog. EMM-NewsBrief grupperer beslægtede emner, inddeler dem i tusindvis af kategorier, udtrækker oplysninger, laver statistikker, finder "breaking news" og udsender meldinger. NewsBrief opdateres hvert 10. minut, 24 timer om dagen.
MEDISYS medieovervågningssystem, der leverer begivenhedsbaseret overvågning til hurtigt at konstatere mulige sundhedstrusler ved brug af oplysninger fra medierapporter.
Dette er en side, der siden den 31. december 2019 dagligt er blevet opdateret med de seneste covid-19-data, som indsamles af Det Europæiske Center for Forebyggelse af og Kontrol med Sygdomme. Du kan sortere dem efter geografisk område (hele verden, EU/EØS og Storbritannien samt Sydøstasien og Kina) og/eller efter periode.
  • Uddannelse, kultur og sport
The British Museum has about eight million objects in its collection, half of these are portrayed in the collection database.
  • Transport
Deliveroo is a food delivery service based in the UK with franchises in mainland Europe as well. The service offers a platforms for restaurants to showcase menus and a place where customers can order food.
  • Retfærdighed, retssystem og offentlig sikkerhed
Lefebvre Sarrut aims to connect companies and their legal, tax and accounting advisors through a unified offer of information, documentation and training services.
  • Transport
Lime is a transportation company that supplies e-steps, that can be rented and paid for by users with a mobile application.