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Open Source Software for SMEs

OFE released their "Policy Recommendations for SMEs" to succeed with free and open source software

On 25 September, the OpenForum Europe (OFE) presented their research Free Open Source Software for SMEs - Policy Recommendations Report for improving the policy environment for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to succeed with Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).

SMEs are the economic backbone of most regions in Europe. However, currently, many European SMEs are struggling to digitise their business, also due to the lack of necessary skills. Digital skills have a decisive impact on the economic development of a country and the European Commission has recognised this fact by making digital skills one of the five pillars of the Digital Europe Programme.

To further leverage the potential of free open source software for SMEs and the European economy and to close the skill gap, the OFE has joined the Free and Open Source Software for SMEs (FOSS4SMEs) consortium to develop a free digital learning course with the goal of guiding SMEs to make strategic use of SMEs. This collaboration led to the publication of the Policy Recommendations Report.

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