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European data
Oficiální portál evropských dat

Which domain contains most data sets on the portal?

The justice, legal system and public safety domain contains most data

In total there are currently 582,937 data sets on the European Data Portal. To find your way in this tremendous amount, there are 13 different data domains in which the data sets are divided. In order to make this mapping, the metadata - information about the data - contains information about data domains. Approximately 70% of the data sets are mapped to the data domains of the DCAT-Application Profile, used as a basis for clustering on the EDP. In the table below the number of data sets per domain, can be found.



The Justice, legal system and public safety domain contains the most data sets. There is a large difference between the domains with the most data sets and the domains with the least data sets, namely the energy and international issues domain. An explanation might be that public administrations are not well aware of Open Data that lies within these categories. Examples of data sets in the energy domain are: tonnage of recycled material and disposal of urban waste water. Awarded Nobel prizes and figures around international trade are examples of data sets within the international issues domain. This illustrates once again that Open Data can be found in numerous places!

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