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Discover the data.europa academy: Fourth course, ‘Creating your business with open data’

Learn what is covered in the fourth course of the data.europa academy on creating value by using open data for the development of a new product or service

The fourth course of the restructured data.europa.eu academy, titledCreating your business with open data’ explains the ways in which data can strengthen your business. Through webinars, e-learning and reading materials you will learn how to use open data to create a new product or service or develop it and take it to the next level.

The course consists of nine lessons, starting with ‘What is the value of data?’. This lesson explores how open data creates value for governments, businesses and individuals. Following that, the lesson ‘How useful is my data?’ provides information and tools to help you determine if you can use and apply your open data sets and in what domain and type of content.

To unlock the full potential of this data, an open data friendly culture is vital. This will be explained in the lesson ‘Open data as a catalyst of innovation’, which also covers importance of change management. A deep dive into change management will be given in the lesson ‘Managing change in open data’.

The fifth lesson ‘Open data licensing’ introduces different open data licenses and explains how to build a machine-readable open data license using the data.europa.eu licensing tool. Before opening your data, it is important to consider data protection. Therefore, the sixth lesson ‘Introduction to data protection’ delves deeper into open data and privacy, data governance and the current and upcoming legislation. The lesson ‘Discovering open data from public institutions’ gives an overview of examples of datasets available from public institutions across Europe.

The eighth lesson ‘Real-time data’ specifically focuses on real-time data, interoperability standards and the ways in which they affect the publication and use of data. This type of data has a major impact and value for society. To conclude, the ninth lesson  ‘Unlocking the benefits of open data with data.europa.eu’ helps you understand how to use data.europa.eu effectively.

By the end of this data.europa academy course, you will be able to create or update a product or service using open data and take your business to the next level.

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