Премини към основното съдържание
European data
Официалният портал за европейски данни

Случаи на употреба

775 открити резултати
Skip results of view Случаи на употреба
  • Селско стопанство, рибарство, горско стопанство и храни

Showcased company offering an application to help with crop management decisions

  • Образование, култура и спорт

Showcased organisation bringing together knowledge and information for the public

  • Публичен и частен сектор

Showcased company providing an application for direct citizen participation

  • Околна среда

Showcased organisation bringing together and harmonising geographical information

  • Наука и технологии

Showcased company providing tools to search and visualise Open Data

  • Транспорт

Showcased company offering a digital public transport and parking ticketing system

  • Публичен и частен сектор

Showcased company providing a digital infrastructure to facilitate communication between citizens and city administrations

  • Наука и технологии

Showcased company providing web visitors monitoring and content prediction services

  • Икономика и финанси

Showcased company helping to bring the Connemara region to the web

  • Наука и технологии

Showcased company developing new Open Data and IoT solutions