Премини към основното съдържание
European data
Официалният портал за европейски данни

Случаи на употреба

775 открити резултати
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  • Региони и градове

Co-Libry assists users to find their new home.

  • Региони и градове

This application provides users with an overview of playgrounds (both indoor and outdoor) in Austria.

  • Транспорт

The moovel app provides you all the information you need to quickly find your way through Vienna

  • Транспорт

Urbonaut.at provides real-time information about the public transport in Vienna.

  • Публичен и частен сектор

Where Your Money Goes provides information on government expenditures

  • Транспорт

CityBike tells you how many bicycles are available at a specific CityBike station.

  • Образование, култура и спорт

The website features information relating to thousands of National Monuments in County Meath.

  • Правосъдие, правна система и обществена безопасност

Brannstasjoner providers information on fire stations in Norway

  • Транспорт

Bomstasjon provides information on toll stations in Norway