Премини към основното съдържание
European data
Официалният портал за европейски данни

Случаи на употреба

775 открити резултати
Skip results of view Случаи на употреба
  • Региони и градове

Allows users to calculated how well home addresses score based on their preferences

  • Транспорт

An application which allows users to locate busses in Rennes at all times in real-time

  • Региони и градове

Provides information regarding issues and events taking place across local areas of its users

  • Транспорт

An application providing real-time information about public transportation in Ireland

  • Население и общество

An interactive visualisation tool showing initiatives to bridge the gender digital divide

  • Здравеопазване

A search engine which allows people to easily search for vegetarian/vegan establishments

  • Околна среда

Provides a map indicating the amount of pollens in the air for people suffering from hay fever

  • Публичен и частен сектор

A non-profit organisation promoting and enhancing open government in Georgia

  • Региони и градове

Provides information about defective elevators, which is especially vital for disabled citizens using public transport in Vienna.

  • Транспорт

Provides commuters in London with real-time information on local buses arrival times